As we eager video game fanboys and fangirls await the release of the Bayonetta and Devil May Cry 4 Play Arts KAI ~ four more surprising offerings from Square-Enix; let us compare the transition of the prices and sizes of the Play Arts KAI from the Play Arts figures of the not-so-distant past which is the Final Fantasy IX Play Arts.
Please note that these are standard SRP (without tax or discount) and the final reported figure sizes.
Well then, shall we start calibrating?
Each character is sorted by individual colors with Zidane as the standard black color.
For visualization purposes; a Zidane figure (measuring "16.5cm") was inset in the ruler and marks were made to indicate the height of the other figures only shown as avatars in the far right side.
For explanatory purposes, computations indicated by +number next to the avatars are included in the right side as well.
With this, one can conclude that Alphonse is the most expensive non-Deluxe Play Arts figure because of his weight and not his height. That is as compared to Snow Villiers whose currently the tallest non-deluxe Play Arts figures yet his SRP just the same as Roy and Edward.
A little off-topic conclusion:
Let's hope that Dante, Nero, Bayonetta and Jeanne are around the height of Chris and Sheva. Hehehe XD