These has been in my head for a while now since Queen's Blade characters have very curious looking names.
Here's what I think where the names came from.
= No innuendo =
Claudette: Her power is Lightning so it makes sense that her name came from "Cloud."
Cute: Kawaii no loli-desu wa?
Erina / Elina: The first two letters of Reina switched.
Jean: Could have been named after "Jean Valjean" of Les Miserables. After all, he's miserable in the game.
Menace: Menace, as in the English word. XD "Menas" for more Egyptian feel
Nanael / Nanaelle : Nana (Seven) + "El" suffix commonly at the end of an Archangel's name. Seven Archangels.
Nyx: Night in Greek.
Reina / Leina: Spanish term for Queen. Makes sense since she's the main protagonist of Queen's Blade.
Cetra? XDDD
Sethra: Egyptian god of Death and Sun. (btw, that's how I spell "Setora")
Shizuka: Shizuka ni (Quiet)
Tomoe: Tomo + Moe = Hot Friend. Erm. According to Wikipedia, it is a Japanese abstract shape that resembles a comma and a common design element in family crests and corporate logos.
Ymir: Attempt at a Norse-sounding name. May have also came from Mimir, the head that prophesizes to Odin.
= Innuendos =
Cattleya: The woman with double innuendo name. Cattleya, flowers that look like a woman's you-know-what and also CATTLEya. Yeah, CATTLE. XD
Echidna: Some sort of hedgehog? No, ECCHI-dna rather, which is self-explanatory. :P
Merona / Melona: Melon + Onna. *sings Buddy Body* Erotikku na bodei! XDDD
Nowa: She must have been intended to be named No Pan (no panties) but her creators decided to go with something a lot less questionable No + wa. "No wa-" if you take in mind the Japanese pronouns means "of the-" or if quasi-Japanese "no wa-" (No what?). XD
Owen: Oxen. Goes well with the name of his wife.
WTF mom and dad! You named me after some essential Yaoi object?!
Rana...rather, Lana: "Anal" spelled backwards. 0_0;
Risty / Listy: Replace "I" with "U" and you get the idea. XD
= Names I can't comprehend =
Alleyne / Arein
Melpha / Merfa
Bye for now! XDDD