Saturday, January 16, 2010

QBSC Gekitou Pack GET!

The Queen's Blade Spiral Chaos Gekitou Pack was all worth the wait.

It contains a nice artbox featuring at least all the characters you can play as and fight (except for Shizuka which took the place of Nyx), a CD filled with innuendo (Clicky! XDDD), the Queen's Blade Spiral Chaos UMD for PSP and those who pre-ordered it in advance gets a A5-sized Visual Book (Scans to follow. For now, here are some PSP CGs).

Here are some pictures of Cute in "S Mode" for now. Sorry if I can't shift her to "M Mode" due to Figmas being more notoriously fragile than Revoltechs.

"Watashi datte, Kuinzubureido no bitoushi nanda kara!"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Square-Enix Blog on Wanzer Zenith

Square-Enix Figure blog posted a new entry about their Front Mission Play Arts Kai Wanzer Zenith.


Everyone, today we present you the mechanic favorite production brigade DY. Everyone, you haven't forgotten? Me, I haven't. This is what I mean.

It burns (It sprouts?) If we can convey the follow-up story of development in the next few days, it's good. We shall increase our perseverance with this.

--- End of Blog Entry ---

Even if I disliked that thing so much, I must say, it looks really good on a Kotobukiya Mechanical Chain Base 001.

At this point, their New Item Gallery and Line-up page are yet to be opened.
Again, let Tsuki-board serve as the temporary (or probably better :D) source of information for their figure line-up.

Until the next stalking/snooping of the Play Arts Kai Blog. XD