Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hagaren Book-in Figure Red and Blue GET!

Thanks to our friend Tenchi at Otakai Figure Society, I was finally able to obtain these 2004-2005 Square-Enix goodies.

The Fullmetal Alchemist Book-in Figure series consists of three parts: RED, BLUE and a mail-order exclusive BLACK version (click here for info about it). With the exception of the BLACK Version; each book-in box set contains a small diorama figure designed by mangaka Hiromu Arakawa herself; booklet with Figure and Merchandise gallery (scanned below); Postcards and Comic pages.

Now for the main course ~

RED version

Packaging pictures

The words in gray in the Side A of the packaging of RED and BLUE say ~

"These elaborate figurines designed by and under the supervision of Hiromu Arakawa, bring to you the world of FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST in perfect 3D. Contained within this minibook is a gamebook, the ending of which is determined by the player's choices; a psychological and illustrative breakdown of the characters; as well as a new and exclusive comic, drawn by Hiromu Arakawa. We hope you enjoy these special goods and make them an essential part of your collection!"

YES, you can learn proper English by buying Square-Enix products. XDDDD

Book cover and proof of purchase

(Front cover seems to be the same design as the Side A of the box)

Edward and Alphonse Elric Figure

RED Merchandise Gallery Scans
(Sorry, won't scan the other parts of the booklet. My blog isn't about manga or anything else ^^;)

AL: Oh, It's really well done!
ED: Incredible!
AL: I wonder if will they release a 1/1 scale figure...
ED: They will know how tall I am, so stop!

(Translation by Kaichi)

(!) Be careful! the Red version has bootlegs. If you are only after the booklet then going after the bootleg won't be so bad. However, if you mainly liked the figure, do find authentics at all cost because the bootleg version of the figure looks like crap.

BLUE version

Packaging Shots

Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye (don't forget Black Hayate! :D) Figure

...and the close-up of my favorite FMA bishie ~

Cover and Proof of Purchase

BLUE Merchandise Gallery Scans
(Again, won't scan any of the black and white pages. ^^; )

Jean (the one holding the figure): Won't they sell one set only of Riza and the dog...? <-- wants only Riza and the dog

Breda: Oh, that's good.

Kain (glasses guy): It's good too, if they sell one version only with the dog... <-- wants only the dog

Breda: Only the dog is very simple... <-- implies he wants only Riza

(now you see why Roy is blazing in anger XD)

Translation by Kaichi.

...except maybe for this Notable concept art page of the Play Arts KAI Roy Mustang's alternate parts. :)

Postcards (included with the Blue version)


Nope, not interested with the BLACK version; I'm afraid so. It only has chibi pins and not a badass Homunculi diorama figure. :/

~ and here's a little extra haul:

Life, death; nothing to remain! ~~Heath Ledger FTW! XDDD


Anonymous said...

These figures are awesome. I'm so jealous that you have them. I'm desperetly trying to find them myself but most places have it sold out or overly priced, like $60 each. May I ask where you bought yours?