Monday, August 10, 2009

Figma Cute "Shift Body" Movie

Cute: Hey guys! Watch me get stripped! *w*


Figma's "Cute-exclusive" Shift Body system further explained in this new movie (clicky)

The Shift Body looks better on Mikuru...but the oppai are smaller, unfortunately.

At the end of the vid, you get to see Cute's parts. Myriad of hands, dual blades, two facial expressions and the Shift body. Accessory agony that screams to be needing not just the usual Figma parts bag but a bigger Revo Container.

Lala Popplip Papa Lapped a Pap Lopped ~ "Starry Eyes" for short.

The concept of Shift Body is iterally "Shift" and "Body." If Max Factory's esteemed Figma line had been famed for the extra heads with their Haruhi and Lucky Stars; Cute has an extra body with oh lala shredded clothes (but it actually looks more like a segment from a Yujin SRDX).

Very tedious as you'll be mutilating Cute before you strip her off ~ or in action figure terms, remove some some parts from one base body and then place it on that static M-Mode (if we'll put it in the Revoltech QB terms) alternate Shift Body.

Right now, I have no interest in personally mutilating Cute...not until I see her pwning Jan like how Rachel does to Gii in BlazBlue.

Gekitou Pack which screams more like "Get-it-now" than "Ge-ki-tou"

Release date of the Gekitou Pack and the game is December 17, 2009. If I could get one, I'd probably not shift it to the "M-Mode" because I like stripping off Jan better. (Ohhlala Zetsubo-shitta!) XDDD

As for my Queen's Blade Action Figure "Harem" ~ Still waiting for my Echidna Revoltech. :/