Tuesday, July 14, 2009

More impressions on the Hagaren Play Arts -KAI-

Yep, more impressions along with "partial translations" of the AmiAmi commentary and my personal commentary on their sizes.

Release Date: October 2009 (Japan)
Prices: 4200 Yen (Roy and Ed); 5040 Yen (Al) ~ Japanese SRP;
AAAnime US SRP at $49.99 for Ed and Roy; 59.99 for Al.


"Size and Detailing were increased and more movable range than Play Arts is what Play Arts KAI had expanded upon. He has colorful accessories such as his interchangeable clothes and body elements for more action. A head with a different expression, the arm part and the pocket watch's chain are included. You can also remove the red coat." ~ AmiAmi

Size: 184mm (18.4cm)
The 44mm taller Edward -KAI- is priced at 4200 Yen as opposed to his 2004 140mm counterpart whose priced at less than 3000 Yen.

For 210 Yen higher than the average Play Arts price of 3990 Yen; upsized Edward ELRIC boasts a double-hinged knee joints akin to Yamato VMFs and the same accessories plus removable coat function as the classic midget version. What he seems to be missing, however, is his gigantic spear.

The Spear...! :(


"Size and Detailing were increased and more movable range than Play Arts is what Play Arts KAI had expanded upon. He has colorful accessories such as his interchangeable clothes and body elements for more action. The gag face and the cat which you can insert in the armor is included." ~ AmiAmi

Size: 235mm (23.5cm)

Definitely the most expensive of the bunch is sweet hollow metal boy, Alphonse. Here's what you'll get from that 1050 Yen higher than the average price of 3990 Yen:
- Taller by 70mm as compared to his 16.5 centimeter-tall 2004 version
- Had more or less retained his removable chestplate feature and a cat (not yet shown in press pics but was described by AmiAmi).
- Those and the "slight articulation improvement-thingy."

Yes, he's around the size of the Banpresto DX Alphonse Elric. That one is shown here with the 2004's Play Arts Midget. :P


"Size and Detailing were increased and more movable range than Play Arts is what Play Arts KAI had expanded upon. He has colorful accessories such as his interchangeable clothes and body elements for more action. As for this character, it is his Play Arts debut. A head with a different facial expression and a hat is included." ~ AmiAmi

Size: 197mm (19.7cm)

Shounen yo ~ Shinjiru nakama yo!
Wowow my, Roy~!
Train in Rain! XDDD

You heard that right. This is Roy's Play Arts debut. Priced similarly as Edward, Roy is presented as a man whose simply 1.3 centimeters taller than the supposed midget.

Like how I prefer the classical look on the Banpresto DX figure, I still prefer the old Tooru Okawa-voiced Roy! That and I don't like Shinichiro "Kojiro" Miki's voice... T_T

Sorry Square-Enix, but this Bandai "Pupupunetsuke" that looks like Wobbufet (that dopey Pokemon) is still the cutest Alphonse Figure ever! XD